公告標題 5月21日(五)下午3:00∼5:00,Dr. Su-Seng Pang演講公告




"Louisiana State University/Southern University NASA Project on Smart Adhesively Bonded High-Performance Joint for Composite Structures."

This talk presents two control system design methodologies that extensively utilizes modern algebraic techniques. The first methodology employs a special quantifier elimination (QE) technique called the Sturm-Habicht sequence for the design of fixed structure controllers. The method allows one to visualize, for instance, the set of feasible gains of the PI controller that satisfy various control specifications such as stability margins and the H_(infinity)-norm, in addition to the fundamental stability requirement. The second methodology focuses in fact on the design of the system to be controlled; design parameters in the plant are tuned so that the best achievable performance is optimized. To this end, an algebraic approach that uses the Groebner basis technique is devised for polynomial spectral factorization. It is then revealed that the quantity called the Sum of Roots plays a vital role in carrying out parametric polynomial spectral factorization and also expressing the best achievable performance level.


Dr. Su-Seng Pang

Dr. Su-Seng Pang received his B.S. degree from National Taiwan University in 1980 and his Ph.D. degree from U.C. Berkeley in 1987, both are in Mechanical Engineering. Currently, he is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and Jack Holmes Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana State University (LSU). Dr. Pang is a Fellow of three professional societies: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is a recognized expert in the composite materials research field. Dr. Pang has published over 200 journal papers/conference proceedings in the areas of composite materials and structures, pressure vessel and piping, and various joining technologies. He has been the Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-PI of over 100 projects funded by NSF, NASA, Navy, Army, Air Force, Department of Energy, and various industries; 20 of those are still on-going. His research/education projects are now supporting over 300 college students per year as well as numerous high school teachers and students. Since 1996, Dr. Pang has received 34 U.S. national/regional awards in research and education, including: AAAS National Mentor Award; Presidential Award for Mentoring (at the White House); Tibbetts Award for SBIR Model of Excellence (at the White House); ACAP Distinguished Achievement Award; AACP Outstanding Achievement

Award; Minority Access National Faculty/Administrator Role Model Award; ASME International Board on Minorities and Women Award; Carnegie/CASE Louisiana Professor of the Year; ASEE National Minorities in Engineering Award; etc. Dr. Pang has also received many recognitions from his university, including: LSU Rainmakers Award for Research and Creative Faculty; LSU Making the Difference Award; LSU Award for Faculty Excellence; LSU Distinguished Faculty Award; LSU Alumni Association Faculty Excellence Award; LSU Engineering Excellence Mentor Award; and LSU Engineering Outstanding Faculty Service Award. Currently, Dr. Pang is serving as: (i) Board of Directors Member for the Association of Chinese-American Professionals and Applied Polymer Technology Extension Consortium; (ii) External Evaluator for the National Science Foundation/HBCU-UP Project at South Carolina State University; (iii) Technical Advisory Committee Member, NASA EPSCoR Program for Louisiana; (iv) External Evaluator for LSAMP-The Georgia Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation Program; and (v) Accreditation Evaluation Team Member for Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, LSU Civil and Environmental Engineering Program.


99521(星期五) 下午3:00 ~ 5:00


公告日期 2010/05/15